Second travel2change Challenge on How to Use Travel for Good

Travel2change launches the second challenge on how to use travel for good.Individuals, groups and nonprofits are encouraged to submit creative ideas that linktheir passion with the purpose of making good happen through traveling. The mostinspiring submission will be rewarded with $1000 to go on a travel2change trip tomake their idea happen.

Travel2change is a network of travelers and locals who collaborate to create ideas andactions that benefit communities around the world. The nonprofit organization isdedicated to the thought that travel can change lives – both for travelers and locals.

Last year’s challenge focused on projects related to water. From over 60 project ideasubmissions, four projects were brought to life in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Peru and Brazil.The current challenge asks how travelers can do what they love and help along the way.

While there are many opportunities that ask travelers to simply volunteer abroad,travel2change asks for creative ideas that link people’s passion with the purpose ofmaking good happen through traveling. In partnership with GOOD Maker, a tool thatgives individuals and organizations the ability to tap into the public’s creativity andenergy to address an issue that’s important to them, travel2change is looking forcreative ideas that create meaningful change for local communities.

The most inspiring submission wins $1000 to go on a travel2change trip to make their idea happen. Ideas can be submitted until October 31, 2012. From November 1 to November 15 thechallenge will open to a public vote. The top-voted submission will receive a $1,000grant to realize the project idea

More information on the challenge is available at: