Why Thailand is On So Many People’s Bucket List

Thai massage girl in Bangkok. photo by Paul Shoul/GoNOMAD.com
Thai massage girl in Bangkok. photo by Paul Shoul/GoNOMAD.com

Thailand. Just the word itself conjures up vast imagery among travelers. I think that there are few places on more people’s lifetime bucket list than a visit to Thailand. What is it about this country that makes everyone want to take aThailand holiday?

Well, let’s start with the people.  Thais are gentle people who don’t scare foreigners. Even with a large muslim population, there is still a sense among travelers that they’ll be welcome in Thailand. That they aren’t being stared down with judgement because they like to wear skimpy bikinis or enjoy the beach without any top on.

No, the Thais don’t seem to be prudes like this, even though you’d never catch a local on a beach topless. No, that’s mostly for the Germans, or the Brits, or the Americans, prudes though they really are.

Or is it the food? Who doesn’t have a favorite Thai food restaurant right around the corner?  Who hasn’t savored their own pad thai with relish, or sipped a Singha beer with delight after consuming a vast plate of noodles or crispy satay chicken with peanut sauce?   To think that an entire country could offer food stalls, little restaurants, and even the big hotels featuring this light, savory, delicious food. How could we not want to go there on a holiday?

Even after the terrible 2004 tsunami, people were still in love with Thailand. After the scenes of seeing Chang Mai nearly wash away, nobody worries about that happening again. We are all in love with this country, and the nice thing is, they like us too!

Put Thailand on your bucket list….figure out a time to visit this magical country. If you’re looking for somewhere to read more articles about Thailand, visit GoNOMAD.com Travel. We have been and we would love to share this fantastic country in words and pictures with you.