Tailormade Andalucia’s Renewable Energy Excursions

Students from the floating university “Semester At Sea” joined the first educational excursions dedicated to Renewable Energy in Cadiz province. It is organized by the receptive agent Tailormade Andalucia.

The students are from various universities throughout North America, with studies in renewable energies, sustainable energy, and climate change. They visited a wind farm and a solar park in the province. The group was accompanied by Dr. Jesus Martinez Linares, an expert in the field of renewable energies, as well as on-site engineers and technicians in each of the parks.

The excursions were a prodigious success, reflected in positive feedback received from the participants. Students were made aware of the importance of these energies and highlighted the growth and progression of renewable energies in Cadiz and in Spain.

This was the start of Tailormade Andalucia’s continued efforts to offer a unique perspective of Cadiz to its visitors.