Flights to Amsterdam will return to Bradley Airport in June

Jim Kinney of the Republican writes with good news for travelers in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts and northern Connecticut. International flights are coming back to Bradley!

HARTFORD – Northwest Airlines plans to resume flights from Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks to Amsterdam after dropping the flights Oct. 1.

High oil prices had made the flight unprofitable even though Northwest was flying with 80 percent of the plane occupied, said Allan W. Blair, president and CEO of the Western Massachusetts Economic Development Council.

“It didn’t matter where you were flying, you weren’t making any money,” Blair said.

Lower oil prices have made the route profitable again, according to Northwest.

To get the flight back, Blair said Western Massachusetts Economic Development had to promise to continue its marketing efforts both selling the international service to local business and selling Western Massachusetts as a destination.

Flights will resume five days a week starting June 2.