Embraer Moves into Connecticut to Fix Jets
If you think of which aspect of airline travel is growing, you have to think regional jets. More and more airlines have downsized to smaller jets made by two companies–Embraer, of Brazil, and Bombardier, of Canada. Instead of flying 737s many of the majors have downsized to 50 or 100-seat regional jets made by these two manufacturers.
There was bright news at Bradley Airport recently when Embraer announced plans to open a new $10 million Northeast service center at the airport. The 48,000 square foot facility opened last month near the New England Air Museum. More than 60 good paying jobs in airplane repair will be created with the opening.
The company has big expansion plans, rolling out their own line of executive jets called Phenom and Legacy. More than 23,000 employees around the world are employed by Embraer, which was founded in 1969 by the government but then privatized.