Take the Airport Shuttle for Longer Trips

Sometimes it’s just not that convenient to park at the airport. Maybe you live close by, don’t want to leave your car there, or maybe you’re trip is too long so that the daily fees of between 14-20 bucks a day is too steep. In these cases, may we suggest you find an airport shuttle and use it to get to and from the airport.

When I was visiting Los Angeles a few months ago en route to Australia, I used Super Shuttle. It was interesting because all of the men who flag down the passengers, and organize the baggage and entering the shuttle vans were black. And all of the drivers in the vans were Hispanic. I asked the driver about this and he said that is the way it is all over the system.

But taking a shuttle to the airport is easy and can be cheaper than parking. For a complete guide to shuttles all over the US, visit this website, Rideflyreservations.com