Hunger in the Air: The Best and Worst Snacks

What airline offers the best (and healthiest) food snack choices? United. And the worst: Southwest and Northwest. David Wilkening had a report last week on Travel Mole., asserts that United wins, and rated the best calorie bargains and rip-offs at 35,000 feet. My personal recommendation is to smuggle food on the plane, just visit a place like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods before you hit the airport.

“This year United Airlines provided the best choices in the sky, while both Southwest and Northwest Airlines offered the worst, and Delta the most improved,” said the site.
American Airlines, JetBlue, United and US Airways all dropped in the ratings. issued the 2007 Airline Food Survey rating foods from nine airlines.
The survey assigned a “Health Score” (5 stars = highest rating, 1 star = lowest) based on snack/on-board food service offerings, airline cooperation, variety, calories, and nutritional density.

The site rated the snack foods using multiple criteria, assigning a “Health Score,” picking a food “best bet”, and converting the snacks offered into their exercise equivalents (how much time it will take to burn off the food in terms of exercise).