Faced with a Long Layover, What Do You Do With Your Luggage?

At the Rome Fiumicino airport, a travelers problem was easily and affordably solved. What a relief! We were traveling home from Sardinia to New York, and had a day-long layover in store. What to do with all of this baggage, from a week’s trip?

The solution lies in a place called Deposito Baggagi, or “Left Luggage Area.” It’s like a similar service I found on my way home at JFK, the same idea.

Rome’s facility is located on the first floor level of Terminal C way far down at the far side of the building. There you’ll find an x-ray machine and a man who takes your luggage to store and hands you back a bar coded reciept. For seven hours, it costs 2 Euros per bag. Over seven hours and you’ll pay 3.5 more Euros per bag.

We left our bags for the day and happily boarded the train into the Rome’s Travestere neighborhood for some shopping and lunch at a cafe in a Piazza. On the train, everyone but us were lugging huge suitcases, and piling them on the seats of the train. Glad we found Left Luggage area, it made our day much easier.