Now On Sale: British Visas, for Chinese Tourists Only

According to, there is a sale going on…prices are being slashed for British Visas for Chinese tourists. “Britain will cut the price of its group tourist visas for Chinese travelers by almost a third for three months from March 3, said the British Ambassador to China Sir William Ehrman on Wednesday.

The price would fall from 63 pounds (980 yuan) to 44 pounds (660 yuan) and a final decision on whether the reduction should be permanent would be made at the end of the trial period, said Ehrman.

China was the first country to carry out the trial reduction, said Ehrman, adding it was aimed at promoting tourism. “The UK’s relationship with China is crucial and growing, and mobility between the two countries is essential to underpin it. The visa system needs to facilitate that mobility,” Ehrman said.

He said Chinese tourists were visiting Europe in increasing numbers, and Britain wanted to welcome as many as possible.