Welcome Back from Your Trip–You’ve Been Booted

A few months ago, a traveling friend told me about a story he heard from a state cop at Bradley airport. It seems that the cops often go through the airport parking garage with drug sniffing dogs. They also make the rounds through the lots checking inspection stickers and registrations to see if they are expired.

This made me shudder and think ‘hey that’s an invasion of privacy.’ And it also made me realize that this is another reason NOT to park at the airport, besides the fact that it costs twice as much as Bradley parking at Executive Valet or the other lots at the airport.

Then I read this story in the Chicago Sun Times, titled “Airport Parkers are Targeted.” Here is the report from May 13.

“Memo to air travelers: Don’t even think of parking at O’Hare or Midway if your car could be eligible for booting. The license plate of every car entering an airport garage is automatically scanned and compared to the boot list.

At least once a day booting teams hunt the parking aisles armed with a list of cars they know can be booted. Last year more than 4,000 airport parkers got a nasty welcome home.”