Did They Win the Lottery, or Just Find a Parking Space?

Travelers who fly out of Westchester NY airport are having a hard time parking….and when they do get to park close to the terminal, they feel like they’ve won the lottery or scored a rare seat at a Red Sox game.

The Journal News reported yesterday that there are bouncers at the gate who make the call—if they’re traveling for the correct amount of days, the gate goes up…if not, they’re forced to “Siberia” a faraway parking lot with no trollies and an annoying shuttle bus trip.

“We could have flown out of La Guardia, but we picked here because we figured it would be easier and faster, and we could both put in a half-day of work,” said Rebecca Hunter, traveling with her husband and her two and four-year-olds. They were not amused having to lug car seats and baby equipment from “Siberia.”

Jet Blue and AirTran service the small airport but there is just not enough parking nearby. Once again, while officials agree that something needs to be done, ‘building more parking is not something we want to do if we can avoid it,” said Transportation Commish Larry Selley.

Travelers have begun being beligerent to the gate staff, the article said. They try to argue their way into the garage, before giving up in a huff and having to drive to Siberia.

Funds are not the problem since the airport collects $4.50 each time a passenger departs. “Building any additional parking would be opposed by vocal airport neighbors, who view the construction of any more paved surfaces as expansion and worry that it will encourage more traffic, which could add to pollution that could threaten the adjacent Kensico Reservoir. With the whole Board of Legislators up for re-election, it could be a political hot potato.”